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P4EO  FB Group   - Read the Rules

Our Facebook community Paws 4 Essential Oils is a place to come together to share insights, tips, questions, answers, and most importantly support for those of us that choose to use doTERRA Essential Oils with our pets. 


If you feel that we should not use essential oils with animals then this is not a page for you.

We run a tight-knit (and big) community, and we aim to preserve the quality of the group at all times.

This is why we have created and enforce these rules on a daily basis with the help of our moderators.

Please read through them all as we have a zero-tolerance policy and you will be removed and banned if you break any of the rules.


So with that, let's dive in...



What is self-promotion?

  • Selling anything - that means products, services, events, and programs.

  • Promoting your webinar, live broadcast, survey, or polls.

  • Posting a link to your website, your social profiles, or even your personal FB profile.

  • Posting affiliate links.

**Note:  I created this group to help educate and empower people to use Essential Oils with their pets.   I do promote my business in my group, please know that we have the utmost respect for all doTERRA Wellness Advocates and your businesses.  When people request to work with me, I always refer them back to the person who invited them into our group first.  



Please check the files section of the group for a document on compliant language.

If you see a non-compliant post, please be helpful and tag the post for the admins to see. 


To tag, click on the arrow on the top right of the post, and click report to the admin. 


This will help us keep the group running smoothly.  Remember all the admins in the group are volunteers and many hands make light work.



Be courteous to others in your posts, we will not all agree on how to use EO's and there are some "hot topics" that tend to come up.  All posts will be polite, any flaming and you will be removed without notice.



We are not a CBD group, if you want to recommend and promote CBD this is not the group for you.


Please take a moment to LOOK UP PREVIOUS POSTS on the page.  Our group has been around for a long time, the same questions tend to come up (especially if it is a common problem).  The archives of the group have a wealth of information, use it. 


This can be done from a computer using the magnifying glass at the top right of the page.  It is also possible from your phone or tablet via the top bar once in the group.


When you post, your response is just that....your opinion.  Stating responses as your opinion will relieve some of the debates that could ensue, as to what is and what is not true. 


This specifically comes into question with our hot topic discussions such as those about Melaleuca or using oils with cats.  Always remember we are here to help each other.


This is an essential oil group, we do not allow animals for sale, adoption, animals in need of help, etc. 


No exceptions.


Do not post in the group for others to contact you for more info on what you offer, how you can help, or to work with you. 

Your comments (and YOU) will be removed.



1. Don't come in with a motive.


This is a place to lift people up, show up with the intention to learn more, and a willing to share your experiences.  This is not a group to help grow your business, not to sell or build your list.


2. When creating a post be mindful of the words you use.


This is where being complaint comes into play, we as individuals need to be mindful of how we word the questions we ask and the answers we give.  Be mindful of the words that are "anti" like antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial etc.


Instead of saying "ear infection", you can say "oils for occasional ear discomfort".

Instead of "cancer", you can say "oils that are antioxidant and promote normal cell growth".


I know this is a pain, and hard to do sometimes, but by learning how to speak compliantly online you are protecting yourself, the group, and our company.


3. Don't recommend products outside of doTERRA.


We are a doTERRA essential oil group for animals. People join to get EO information and recommendations.  They did not join to be told about other over-the-counter products or CBD.

4. Share your thoughts and experiences because they are valuable to others.

We are all here for a common purpose, to help support our pets with natural health solutions.  The point is to share what has worked with the purpose of helping others.

5. Understand that the opinions and comments made by some may not be in line with the teachings of Bree Beery.

We are all welcome to our opinions, and some people will push theirs more than others.  It is important to know, that not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye when it comes to animal EO use.  Comments or recommendations made in the group may not reflect the education and safety practices that we at Pawsitive Principles promote and teach.

At this point, you may be saying "I don't use doTERRA, is this group for me?", my response to that is "YES!"  We welcome all people who want to learn about using safe, effective ways to support their pets with essential oils. 

Our goal is to educate and empower people to make the right choices for their entire family, two and four-legged.



If at any time you have questions about how to start or get doTERRA products, you are welcome to reach out to me and ask.  I am just an email or PM away.

If you have read all the rules and still want to be part of what we are building....then WELCOME!

We are excited to get to know you!! 


Now let's connect and have some fun!!



PS. If you missed the option to download my free EO Cheat Sheet for Dogs at the top of the page, make sure to check it out!


~ Bree

Member of the Assocition of Professional Dog Trainers
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