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Why doTERRA?

Let's be honest, I have people ask me all the time "why doTERRA" and the simple answer is it works! It works for me, my husband, my kids, and my pets.

Ok, let's get down to the nitty gritty, so many people are put off because doTERRA is a "direct sales company", honestly I myself was not so sure when I went to my first class because I just didn't know. I had used other brands of essential oils prior to that time and I honestly had not seen the results that everyone was so excited about. This is what made me drag my feet about going to my first official class, up to that point, not a single person had ever offered to educate me in EO use, so I really had no clue what I was doing outside of trial and error. As a professional trainer, I am sure you can see where that did not sit well with me.

When I was introduced to doTERRA, it was a young company...and really it still is (we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this month). When I was invited to my first class, just about 6 years ago, I was the last of my friends to give in and go. I honestly went because I felt obligated to see what all the hype was about, sound familiar to anyone? That night changed my life. Ok, I know that sounds corny, but it is true let me share more.

For years I had struggled with acid reflux, which was causing damage to my vocal cords. Kinda hard to teach when you don't have a voice and it is painful to talk. I had been on many different medications OTC and prescription. The last specialist I had been to, actually wanted to write me a note, excusing me from talking at work to allow my vocal cords to heal....HELLO....I own my own business and I have to talk for a living.

Ok, back to the class. At the time, everyone was so new, that the information that was shared was very limited. This was to no fault of my wonderful friends and upline, we were all flying blind when we first started, a HUGE difference from what we have to offer today.

I left that class with some sample of Digestzen and a kit which is now the Family Essentials Kit. Within three days of consistently using digestzen internally I started to feel better, and my voice was coming back.

Needless to say, when my kit arrived, I jumped in with both feet. I put away all my OTC medications (I put them in a gallon zip lock and put them under the sink...I was not crazy enough to throw them away.) and started to use just my oils for daily support for our family. If I had not lived it myself, I would have had a hard time believing in the results.

This quickly led me to using doTERRA with my dogs, and then my clients dogs. Funny enough, in the early days, I was very much into making my own calming blends. My awesome clients were more than happy to give my creations a try. Then one day it dawned on me, why am I trying to reinvent the wheel. DUH! From that point forward I started using doTERRA specific blends, and once again, I was thrilled with the results.

Fast forward to business today, I only work with behavioral clients that are open to my "crazy voodoo" (yes, I say that with a ton of love for our product). I know the power of doTERRA Essential Oils when it comes to helping our pets, it is a tool that I rely on to help support the dogs in need, to ensure that we can get training done.

I love to help everyone that comes to me looking for answers. For that reason I created our Essential Oils Dogs 101 course, this along with many other resources are available via our website.

I do feel extremely lucky that I was open to taking that first step, to go to my first class. That door has opened up a whole new world, full of fun, friendships, and a great business that I get to build with like minded people, who in turn have come family. If you use doTERRA but have not looked at the sharing side, I invite you to contact the person who enrolled you to learn more. If you are not working with anyone and want to learn more about how doTERRA can support your family (two and four legged), reach out so we can chat. Education is my thing, education brings knowledge, and knowledge is power!

As always head over to my FB page Pawsitive Principles with Bree to get in on the conversation. I would love to hear your story and how best I can support YOU.

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