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COVID 19 & Dogs

As I sit here at my desk writing this, my two boys are sleeping and my husband has already gone off to work.  These are stressful times, I will be the first to admit, just like you, I worry about my family.

The good news is, I do not have to worry about my pets.  Yesterday I posted an article on social media from Dr. Karen Becker on this topic.  Today I thought I would share more.

 We are seeing what fear is doing, most of us can walk into a grocery store and see the aftermath.  If you live in an area that people are not hoarding supplies, then feel blessed for sure.  This type of behavior is causing so many more issues, but I digress...

What can you do?

#1 Wash your hands and love on your dog.  If you are stressed, they feel it.  They have no way of knowing what is going on, they just know that life is "off" right now.  I know in our home that my stress level is affecting my dogs, and not in a good way.  So for that I am diffusing, diffusing, diffusing my EO's!

#2 Make sure you have enough pet food / supplies / medication for your pets.   I personally like to keep a case of canned food on hand as a backup,  No my dogs do not eat canned food, but I do find that just like canned food for people, it has a good shelf life.

#3 If you need help with your pets, reach out to family and friends for assistance.  Don't dump your pets.  I know, this sounds harsh, but sometimes we have to hear it that way.  Your pets are there for you, you need to be there for them. 

#4 Reduce your stress level.  Did I mention diffuse your oils and love on your dog?  Go out in the yard, and throw the ball.  Sit in the sun and read a book with your dog, heck read to your dog...they actually love that.  Snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie.  Being with your dogs and other animals greatly help us reduce our stress level.

The bottom line is, we will get through this, we need to make smart choices for our families, our communities, and in turn the world.

Stay safe out there my friends, I am thinking of you and I am only a keyboard click away.  




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