Pollen, Flowers, Grasses - O-MY!!
As the weather is changing, I don’t know about you but my sinuses are going through the roller coaster of adjusting to the ever-changing pollen, grasses, and the like floating through the air.
This past weekend while we were camping at a dog show, we went from 90-degree weather on Friday, to the low 60’s by Sunday…needless to say, my body didn’t know what to do!
Not everyone is affected by the extreme temperatures or the changing of the seasons, but for those of you who are… I have a simple solution to share with you.
Guess what…what is good for us, is also good for our dogs!
It’s funny, I was never really bothered by seasonal threats until recently, but my poor husband on the other hand has suffered for years, as does Reason, one of our border collies.
Drum Roll Please…….. enter doTERRA Essential Oils to the rescue!!
Did you know that you can use Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils for support?
My husband likes to dab lavender under his eyes when they are watering out of control. He also takes TriEase to help with the discomfort. He will even, take a TriEase before he goes out to mow or weed-eat the yard, doing so makes a HUGE difference.
For Reason, this time of year she starts to get itchy. I always worry about fleas, since we have dogs coming and going all the time for training, but I also stay on top of that just in case (yes, I do it naturally with essential oils too).
For her, I have started adding Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint to her food at each of her am and pm meals. I have found that by doing so, she is less bothered by all the blooming plants in the yard or the who knows what blown in on the breeze.
Because I know some of you are going to ask…. she weighs about 28lbs and gets 2 drops of each oil per meal. I have also given her TriEase, but prefer the oils as it is a bit more economical and she does not mind the smell or taste (remember it is added to her food).
If you have a picky eater or a dog that is sensitive to smells, you can add your oils to an empty veggie cap and give it to them down the hatch.
If giving oils internal to your pets is not your cup of tea, you can also diffuse this combo, or make up a topical spray to apply to their rear pads.
Interested in taking your EO education to the next level with your dogs? Make sure to check out my recorded free webinar Essential Oils for your Happy Healthy Dog.
Until next week my friends!! ~ Bree
