Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for Dogs
Things I forgot to mention......
All snakes (adult and juvenile) are LIVE and SAFELY-MUZZLED.
Snakes used are species found in our area.
The trainers take the dogs through the 4 stations of training.
Owners watch from the staging area and are welcome to take pictures of their dog.
Physical safety and mental well being are TOP PRIORITY.
A remote training collar is used, starting at the lowest setting possible.
Snakes are safely and humanely muzzled and their well being is of the utmost importance.
Your dog can encounter a rattlesnake almost anywhere: yard, park, bushes, hiking, ranch ect.
7 species / subspecies are found in South California, 9 throughout California.
Staff at Natural Solutions are experienced dog trainers, animal behaviorists and naturalists.
If you are not local to the San Diego area, make sure to check the Natural Solutions schedule to see if they will be in your area for training.
Interested in learning more about our clinics happening April 13th & 14 in Ramona AND April 26th in Campo OR ready to get registered? Check out our Rattlesnake Avoidance page for more info.