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The Screw Up Cookie

Today I want to chat about Screw Up Cookies….yes, it is a thing!!

If you have been working with me, or following me you know that I use and recommend the use of cookies in training.  I find that for the majority of dogs out there it is a top reinforcer in their lives, so why would I not use a tool that is ready-made for success.

I am a firm believer it is HOW we use the treats that matter.  But that is really a topic for another day.

Today it is all about the screw-up cookie…and it is just that.. you screw up, you still own your dog payment.  It is that simple.

We are all human, and we are going to mess up from time to time.  The good news is, as you train more and more, your screw-up rate tends to go down.  BUT even I mess up from time to time and the key is that I still pay my dogs.

Now, many think that by doing so, that I may be rewarding the wrong behavior.  But I am going to share a little trick.  If I mess up, I will quickly ask my dog for something else in which they are rock stars…it could be something as simple as a sit or name game and then I am going to pay for that.

Training is fun, and if I mess it up, oh well.  Keep it fun, ask for something simple and pay the dog!




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